DataEnter, Michael Kocum Taborstrasse 27/23 A-1020 Vienna AUSTRIA CIS: 70143,1667 MHS: MICHAEL @ DEMK (via CSERVE) Internet: Fax: +43/1/2143829 Introduction to MRClient ------------------------ MRClient is a Windows program which is designed to let users on your postoffice send command message to MailRed in a simple and easy way. System Requirements ------------------- Windows 3.1 or 3.11 with MAPI.DLL installed MRClient modes: --------------- 1) Normal mode: In normal mode, some options of MRClient are disabled. You have full control what MRClient options are disabled or enabled. So it is up to you what your users can do with MRClient. Please read section "MRClient.INI" for an explanation how to disable/enable options. 2) Advanced mode: In advanced mode, MRClient shows you all the possible options. To start MRClient in advanced mode, call MRClient with a command line of -a MRClient.INI ------------ MRClient.INI is plain ASCII file where each option is on a different line. MRClient looks for the INI file in the same directory where the EXE is. The options are: ---------------- MailRedFullName= is the alias name of MailRed. MailRedAddress= is address of MailRed. Usualy there is no need to manually adjust this entry and the entry above, because when you select MailRed's address in MRClient and mark the checkbox "Save address for prospective instructions" and send a message, MRClient will save it for you. MailBox= is the mailbox or profile which MRClient should use for logon into MSMail. Note: In general ist the best to leave it blank. Its only usefull when you have the Exchange Client installed and you starting MRClient without starting Exchange. Password= is the password for the mailbox or profile Advanced= If is True, MRClient will always start in advanced mode. defaults to False, which means, that Advanced mode is used only when the -a command line is used. TimeFormat= if is 0, which is the default, MRClient will read the time format out of WIN.INI (section Intl) and you can adjust it using CONTROL.EXE. if is 12, MRClient will use a 12 hour AM/PM time format. if is 24, MRClient will use a 24 hour time format. StartTime= is the start time which MRClient initally shows. It defaults to 00:00. You can adjust it if you prefer another default time. The format of the string is always in 24 hour time format. StopTime= The same as StartTime, but for the stop time. ShowTab= is the number of the tab you want to get in normal mode. For every tab you want, you need to write one line into MRClient.INI. When you want to use Tab1, Tab2 and Tab3 in normal mode, write ShowTab=1 ShowTab=2 ShowTab=3 in MRClient.INI and MRClient will show Tab1, Tab2 and Tab3. Its also under you control how this tabs will displayed. When you write ShowTab=2 ShowTab=1 ShowTab=3 Tab2 will be the first tab, Tab1 the second and so on. So you can customize MRClient in any way you want. EnableStatusAll= If is True, the "Status All" checkbox is grayed, which means that users can't request a status all message. The default is False, which means that users can request status all. This option is usefull if you want to minimize the mail traffic. Note: If Advanced mode is used, the checkbox is always enabled. AbsentMess= is the template for an absent notification. Add one line for every line of the template. A sample would be: AbsentMess=I am out of office and I AbsentMess=thats why I can't read my AbsentMess=messages. Language= If is blank, MRClient autodetects the language from your Windows configuration. If is one of the values below, it uses this language instead. Supported values for are ENG English DEU German FRA French Licensing Agreement ------------------- MailRed Client (MRClient) (c) is copyrighted 1993-1996 by DataEnter, Michael Kocum, portions (c) Microsoft Corp. This product and its documentation may not, in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other natural or computer language, in any form or by any means whatsoever, be it electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written consent of DataEnter. DataEnter makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to the product MailRed and its documentation, their quality, perfomance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. DataEnter reserves the right to revise the user's guide and make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such a change. In no event will DataEnter be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, real or imagined, resulting from the use or purchase of this software. Under no circumstances shall DataEnter's liability for damages exceed the price paid for the software license. Should any remedy hereunder be determined to have failed, all limitations of liability and exclusion of damages set forth above shall remain in full force and effect. The extent of the DataEnter's warranty for the software and its documentation is limited to physical defects of the distribution media containing the software. Contact DataEnter to obtain return authorization for the replacement diskette within 30 days of the original date of purchase. Any further statement made by agents, employees, distributors or dealers of DataEnter do not constitute warranties and are not binding. No employee of DataEnter has the authority to modify any portion of this warranty. All brand and product names we refer to in the documentation are used solely for identification purposes and may be trademarks of other companies. DataEnter, (the licensor) grants the buyer (the licensee) the right to use this copy of MRClient (the program) on every computer at a every single location as long as the licensee complies with the terms of this license. The licensor reserves the right to terminate this license if the licensee violates any part of the agreement. The licensee agrees to make copies of the program only for backup purposes. The licensee agrees not to copy the documentation and to take all necessary precautions to ensure that the backup copies of the software are not distributed to or acquired by other parties. Microsoft Mail is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. Windows for Workgroups is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. Windows Windows 95 is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. OS/2 is a trademark of IBM Corp. History: -------- v1.10 96-05-27 Rewritten Logon to work with new Exchange Client and to use an existion mail session instead of creating a new one ( fixes Logon problem when Exchange Client is running ) INI "LogOnFlags" removed, autodetect added Removed "USE_DEFAULT_PROFILE" for Exchange Client, because release version does no longer support it Added INI "MailBox" and "Password" to support logon into Exchange Client ( only needed when MRClient is started and Exchange/Mail is not running ) Added INI "Language" for overwriting the language ( only needed if you want to run MRClient in a different language than Windows ) Changed the way MRClient searches for MRClient.INI to ( first in the Windows directory, then in the directory where MRClient.EXE resides ) Added a workaround for the SetFocus problem in NT 3.51 ( MRClient should now run under NT )